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  • Updated: 2011-10-29
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Anniversary Poem

Content Sample

Words by Kathy McLean
Music by Tracy Lord, Marty Davis and Kathy McLean

Twenty-six years ago today,
I had the honor to stand and say
"I do" to you, became your wife,
A role I am thrilled to fill for life.

Each day brings proof that the One above
Smiled on our married love -
Blessed it sweetly,
Fitted it neatly,
Found me the man to complete me completely.

For this I give Him daily praise,
That He should choose to fill my days,
With a man to love and be in awe of,
Who loves me too, the way you do.

I'm thankful, too, on our children's behalf,
That they've been blessed with a dad, who will laugh,
And play and "scare" and love and share
In a way that few dads ever dare.

Husband of mine, I'm happy you are
My friend, my lover, my shining star,
And in my heart, forever you'll be,
Where I harbor all my songs for thee.

Who knew?
He knew.
The One, Who knew that we all need Him,
Knew I'd be needing you… (Last time: My whole life through)