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  • Updated: 2016-04-25
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Grandpa's Old Red Shirt

Content Sample

Words and Music by Ron Lawrence
Copyright © 2013-14, All rights reserved.

There were days I would conspire
When I was getting pretty tired
of the back of Mama's hand
And the endless daily chores
And Dad's disapproving roar
For not gettin' with the plan
I just wanted time alone
And maybe something of my own,
But little sister's in my room again
I tried to work it out
Escape to Grandma's house

Grandma knew I needed space
I didn't have to make a case
For doing things in my own way
There was no one to require
appropriate attire
and getting dirty was o.k.
I could stay a little late
With some new friends who didn't rate
me on the coolness of my shoes
Completing my disguise
I borrowed
Grandpa's old red shirt
Grandpa's old red shirt

Chorus: That shirt was way too big for me.
The shirt tails hung down to my knees.
with elbows holes and floppy sleeves
that shirt was like a cape to me.
And Superman never went so high
I swear with just a little try
I could fly away from all this hurt
In Grandpa's old red shirt
In Grandpa's old red shirt

Grandpa didn't seem to mind
that I was taking quite a shine
to wearing his old flannel shirt
But all good things have to end
And so they cleaned me up to send
me on my way back down to Earth
Grandpa loaded up the car
And Grandma handed me a par-
cel and she said "There's one more thing…"
One shirt, size: extra large,
…just like
Grandpa's old red shirt
Grandpa's old red shirt


And now I'm passing middle age
And flannel isn't the rage
That it's been in days gone by
But fashion's never been my thing
And extra large has got a cling
That I've been trying to defy
I hope my children can claim
The love without the shame
and now I'm waiting for the day
When some tike comes to call
lookin' for
Grandpa's old red shirt
Grandpa's old red shirt
Grandpa's old red shirt

I just wanted time alone
And maybe something of my own
But little sister's in my room again.